We are preparing the planet Earth for the future
We study on tetrapyrole macrocyclic compounds such as Phthalocyanines, porphyrines and porphyrazines, and also organometallic compounds as ferrocene derivatives. We sythesis and characterize these compounds. Beyond this, we work on physical, chemical and biological properties of this compounds like as electrochemical and spectrochemical, electrical (dielectric constants), optical (band-gap calculations), antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant activities of these compounds with our colleagues.
Research Topics:
Phthalocyanine (Pc) is a beautifully symmetrical 18 p-electron aromatic macrocycle, closely related to the naturally occuring porphyrins. Like the porphyrins, the Pc macrocycle can play host to over seventy different metal ions in its central cavity. Since its discovery over seventy years ago, Pc and its derivatives have been extensively used as colorants (dyes or pigments).
A Supercapacitor is an electrochemical capacitor that has an unusually high energy density when compared to common capacitors. Supercapacitor is also known as Electric Double Layer Capacitor(EDLC) or Ultra capacitor. The capacitance range is from 100 Farad to 10KFarad.
- Stores high amount of energy.
- High rates of charge and discharge.
- Have high capacitance.
- Low toxicity.
- High cycle efficiency (95%)
- Little degradation over thousands of cycles.
Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC):
Now that we are near the end of the first decade of the 20th century, future energy demands make for sobering reading. The world currently uses about 13 terawatts (TW) of energy, and it is predicted by 2050, an additional 10 TW will be required. Not only that, the additional energy required will be have to be carbon neutral. Not only that, we are heading for peak oil. Considering all of this, what is the role of solar energy?
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Nanotechnology Today
Nanotechnology is booming, but risk assessment for these tiny particles is a laborious process that presents significant challenges. To find more efficient test methods, researchers took a closer look at the biological effects.
Energy Storage & Conversation
Energy Storage and Conversion Materials describes the application of inorganic materials in the storage and conversion of energy, with an emphasis on how solid-state chemistry allows development of new functional solids for energy applications.
Carboneus Nanomaterials R&D
Simply put, biomass carbonization plant is a waste recycling plant that can alter almost anything organic into charcoal (called biochar) through pyrolysis. Processable ingredients include sludge, human waste, chicken manure, scrap wood, agricultural residue, food waste and water hyacinth among others. As biochar can work as a natural fertilizer, soil conditioner, fuel etc., Meiwa’s biomass carbonization technology provides solutions to waste management and agriculture, environment and/or energy at the same time.
Recycling Biomass
Simply put, biomass carbonization plant is a waste recycling plant that can alter almost anything organic into charcoal (called biochar) through pyrolysis. Processable ingredients include sludge, human waste, chicken manure, scrap wood, agricultural residue, food waste and water hyacinth among others. As biochar can work as a natural fertilizer, soil conditioner, fuel etc., Meiwa’s biomass carbonization technology provides solutions to waste management and agriculture, environment and/or energy at the same time.
Recent Research Articles
Research Interests and Topics
- Prof. Dr. Victor N. NEMYKIN, University of Manitoba, Department of Chemistry, CANADA
- Prof. Dr. Farah Kanwal, , Institute of Chemistry, PAKISTAN
- Dr. Abid Ali (PhD Physical Chemistry), COMSATS University Islamabad, Department of Chemistry, Lahore Campus, PAKISTAN
- Prof. Dr. Atıf Koca, Marmara University – Faculty of Engineering / Chemical Engineering Department, https://abys.marmara.edu.tr/atif.koca/
- Prof. Dr. Ahmet Altındal, Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Arts&Science, Department of Physics, https://avesis.yildiz.edu.tr/altindal
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Oğuz GÜLER, Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, http://guler.sakarya.edu.tr/tr/